Lo-Fi Gamay Pinot Noir Trousseau Santa Barbara California 750ml.



  • Varietal: Pinot Noir (78%) & Trousseau (22%)
  • Vineyard:  Spear & Clos Mullet
  • Location:  Santa Rita Hills & Los Alamos  
  • Harvest date: 
  • Brix at harvest:  
  • Fermentation:  De-stemmed, 14 days on skins & de-stemmed, 6 months on skins
  • Barrels: Neutral French oak (228Liter)
  • Aging: 10 months
  • Production:  60 cases
  • Tasting Notes: Cranberry, Cherry, Rose Hips, Orange Peel, Graphite, Wet Stone

    The Pinot Noir from Spear vineyard was destemmed and fermented in an open top stainless-steel fermenter for 2 weeks. Punched down once daily. Pressed into tank and barreled down after a day. Aged 10 months in neutral French oak.  Racked once prior to blending.

    The Trousseau from Clos Mullet was whole cluster fermented in an old barrel with the head removed and punched down daily. Post fermentation the barrel was tightly sealed, and the wine was left on the skins for six months.  We then drained the juice and pressed the skins in a small, basket press. This wine was aged in stainless steel kegs for an additional three months.

    The two wines were blended just prior to bottling which was done by hand and without filtration or use of any fining agents.

    All Lo-Fi wines are fermented via native yeasts and bacteria. Nothing is added, no nutrients, commercial yeasts, bacteria, enzymes, tannins or other popular fermentation agents. We added a total of only 25 parts per million So2  prior to bottling in keeping with our low intervention, “Lo-Fi” philosophy.

    Clos Mullet Vineyard is located in Los Alamos, Santa Barbara County, California (34044’39”N 120016’12”W). It was planted in 2014 by the Lo-Fi team and sits on Chamise Shaly Loam series that consist of well drained soils developed over gravelly beds of silt, clay and sandy water-deposited materials. Chamis soils normally contain a large number of water rounded fragments of Monterey shale. Permeability is moderately slow. The cuttings were taken from Jackson Vineyard in Sonoma County planted in the late 1800’s.

  • About

    Lo-Fi is a partnership between two lifelong friends who believe in hand crafted honest wines that are made for every day drinking. Wines to be enjoyed not to be collected. Easy drinking lower alcohol wines made to pair well with all types of foods, from pizza to paté.

    We believe in neutral barrels, native yeasts, little to no sulfur additions, and no adjustment of pH. We love whole cluster fermentation. We adore carbonic maceration . We embrace a nothing added, nothing taken away philosophy that gives birth to wines that are young, vibrant and alive.

    But in all reality Lo-Fi is less about what it is and more about what it is not.

    It is not over manipulated. It is not over extracted. It is not over ripe and it is not over priced.

    Less is more.

    Drink up!

    Mike & Craig


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