Three Spirit Social Herbal Non-Alcoholic Spirit Alternative 375ml

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Social Elixir

This dark herbal elixir is the ultimate social companion and mood elevator. Natural, blissful feeling with lion’s mane mushroom, yerba mate and damiana. Full-bodied and bittersweet with a curious savory bite.

Euphoric heart opener

Cacao raises spirits, eases the soul and encourages connections. Full-bodied and bittersweet with a curious savory bite, it’s balancing effect keeps you blissful and tuned-in.

The potent nootropic saprotroph

Lion's Mane mushroom has been used for centuries for its nootropic properties and its delicate taste. Cultivated on sustainable beds, it keeps you focussed while you make new memories.

Ancient Mexican aphrodisiac

Damiana has been used for centuries by people aiming to access their subconscious and induce lucid dreams. Floaty, flirty, with a deliciously unique aromatic flavor.

A choice where there was none

After years spent in libraries, labs, bars and fields, we’ve created plant-based alternatives to alcohol that celebrate what you put into a drink, rather than what you take out.


Proud to be a B Corp

Nobody is perfect, but we are committed to improving and prioritising environmentally friendly methods across everything we do.

We use high-quality plants from only reputable producers, produce where we can in the US, and ensure we take care of our team, customers and partners.

Exceptionally rare teas & herbs

Sourced from ethical growers around the world, cold brewed to gently extract delicately nuanced flavor & aroma.

Adaptogens, vitamins & amino acids

Active ingredients to sharpen the mind & body. Pleasure and functional benefits in every bottle with active botanicals, and a complex of amino acids and vitamins.

Fruits & ferments

Wine aromatics without the alcohol. British fruits crushed and used without concentration to preserve the freshness of the fruits true flavor.

  • Active ingredients
  • Non-alcoholic
  • Fruits & ferments
  • Low sugar & low cal
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Sulphite free
  • No artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners
  • Ethical sourcing & regenerative farming
Research & integrity
Our ingredients are integral to everything. We research, we share findings, and we source from the best.
Recyclable & 99% plastic free
No bubble wrap, nothing artificial & 99% plastic free.
Vegan & cruelty free
100% vegan and cruelty free.

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