Iconic Sidekick Cabernet Sauvignon California 750ml.



Sidekick Cabernet is made to focus on a rich body, while still maintaning bright, red fruit flavors and balance. Iconic Wine is committed to making the kind of wine we like to drink. We think great wines have balance, focus and complexity while showing a strong connection and pride for the place they come from. We do this by enlisting the help of giants and fearlessly pursuing any means that assist us to reach our goal. Iconic Wines is the brain child of Birk O'Halloran and Karl Antle. We met in college and quickly became great friends bonding over our mutual love for whiskey, witty banter and all things nerdy. "Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants" is a Western metaphor, one who develops future intellectual pursuits by understanding the research and works created by notable thinkers of the past. This is the founding philosophy of Iconic Wines' Hero Series. We strive to make the best wines possible and do this by enlisting the help of giants in the industry. Hero Series was envisioned with one idea in mind, to make great wine. The wine industry can be full of dogma and borderline superstition and it can be easy to become trapped in one way of thinking, but by working with talented people from different backgrounds we force ourselves to stay open minded to a variety of production techniques and wine styles. As we expand the series we partner with different wine makers and vineyard managers and hope to apply the lessons learned on one to increase the quality of our wines as a whole. So what makes great wine? We think great wines have balance, focus and complexity while showing a strong connection and pride for the place they come from... also they have to taste yummy.

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