Le Machin Chardonnay Sta. Rita Hills California 750ml.



Typical Santa Barbara season outside of an early bloom and fruit set. The lingering drought eased in most of the state but Santa Barbara still remained dry. September typically being our warmest month, our grapes were not affected by late season heat due to the crop load and early harvest date. Total degree days ust over 2100. Rainfall total 21.28” (138%- of historical average). Hand harvested and CCOF Certified organically grown; Whole cluster pressed to tank. Settled 24 hours prior to racking to barrel. Fermented on the native yeasts, followed by partial malolactic by naturally occurring bacteria. No sulfur used at pressing. Upon completion of primary fermentation in barrel the wine was stirred to Incorporate lees. The wine was then racked once prior to tank. Prior to bottling it was racked once more to eliminate lees. Total of 70 ppm so2 added. Ingredients: Hand harvested, Organically farmed grapes, indigenous yeast, naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria and SO2. Bottled unfined and unfiltered 1% for the planet It all started when two businessmen met and bonded over their shared love for the outdoors. Realizing their responsibility to protect our planet, they decided to give 1% of their sales back to the environment—whether or not they were profitable. In 2002, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, created 1% for the Planet and started a global movement. When Hobo joined 1% for the Planet, we got fully onboard and did it across all of our brands and wines. To be able to financially do this was a milestone for The Hobo Wine Company as a business and a meaningful step in our ongoing commitment to be an environmentally conscientious business. Since 2018, we have donated over $60,000 to these non-profit partners https://theclimatecenter.org/ https://www.schoolgardens.org/ https://www.homelessgardenproject.org/

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